Swap method (TBU)

When you click on the OMC exchange within the service, it will be sent to the connected wallet. The OMC:OMZ swap rate may fluctuate in real time.

Converting OMC to OMZ

Conversion is possible from 1,000 OMC or more, and a 5% commission is included.

Converting OMZ to OMC

No minimum amount is required, and there is no commission (0%).

Swap Ratio

The OMZ:OMC ratio is adjusted based on the remaining amount of the assigned O2E reward.

Features of AMM

There is no risk of excess issuance, as it is not a fixed swap ratio.

The ratio can be adjusted in real time according to the supply and demand of OMC.

*Please refer to the assigned O2E Reward quantity in Tokenomics below.


Future updates planned

Last updated